Yoko Fukumura - Quads
Yoko Fukumura - Quads
Yoko Fukumura - Quads
Yoko Fukumura - Quads
Yoko Fukumura - Quads

Yoko Fukumura - Quads

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Name: Yoko
Tag: yoko_on_skates
Favorite trick: fakie full cab
Where do you skate out of: Southern California ☀️
What drives you to skate/ what gets you excited to skate: It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that drives me to skate. I think that at its core, skating makes me challenge a lot of preconceived notions of how I should be and allows me to explore my self in a way that I never allowed myself to before. It’s also led me to some of the most important people in my life: it’s pretty crazy to think that without skating we probably would never have crossed paths.
Top skate goal: whether it be to compete in something, to win something, to get a specific trick down, anything you hope to get out of skating: 50/50 grind everything!!
If you could have any super power, what would it be? Teleport so I can get to and from skateparks (and get home to my cat sooner 🐱)
Favorite skater: @drewnguyen_ for bringing the same creative energy to the rink and the skatepark
Favorite song to skate to: Life goes on by Hiromi, Anthony Jackson, Simon Phillips

Yoko Fukumura - Quads
Yoko Fukumura - Quads
Yoko Fukumura - Quads